Sunday, June 24, 2012

ART || My Youtube Channel

One of my hobbies is editing. This is something I can really lose myself in, once I've started I can keep doing it for hours without noticing. I edit pieces of movies to short video's to show a character, an emotion, or just the beauty of a scene. Sometimes I change the course of the story or use poems or lyrics to make my point. From now on I'll be posting new video's on this blog. So for I've made about 30 video's, if you want to see them you'll find them on my channel:

Below I've posted a couple of my video's, enjoy :)

Black Swan // In Silence                                                     

Avatar // Fanmade Trailer

Voldemort // Oh Death                                                        

Memoirs of a Geisha // Sacrafice
Wall-E // You just know                                                       

New Moon // I smile and whisper

Saturday, June 23, 2012

BOOK || Memoirs of a Geisha

Lezen is iets wat ik graag doe, maar waar ik nooit de tijd of de rust voor vind. Ook lees ik erg langzaam, echt heel langzaam.. waardoor ik er nog minder de tijd voor vind! Ik heb zo veel boeken in mijn kast staan die ik nog nooit heb gelezen dat ik vond dat ik daar maar eens verandering in moest brengen. Memoirs of a Geisha (Dagboek van een Geisha) stond al lang op mijn verlanglijstje. Het gaat over een meisje die op haar negende wordt verkocht aan een okiya (een huis voor Geisha's) en opgroeit tot een succesvolle Geisha. Het verhaal vertelt haar hele leven tot in de details met historische beschrijvingen en sterke emoties. Het is echt een prachtig verhaal, al zal het niet iedereens favoriete schrijfstijl zijn. Veel mensen kennen het van de verfilming van het boek, die echt een aanrader is. Die moet je echt zien!

'Remember, Chiyo, geisha are not courtesans. And we are not wives. We sell our skills, not our bodies. We create another secret world, a place only of beauty. The very word "geisha" means artist and to be a geisha is to be judged as a moving work of art. '

Thursday, June 21, 2012

ART || Paiting #1


Dear reader.

My name is Marit and I am the writer of this blog. I'm 18 years old and I've just finished my A-level high school exams. I'm a girl who loves music, drawing, painting, movies, books, cooking, baking, eating, sleeping, dreaming, writing, shopping, clubbing, hanging out with friends and family, photographing, traveling, swimming, babysitting and doing nothing.

I started this blog because I wanted to be more creative. For the last few years I've been so busy with my schoolwork that I've barely taken any time to be creative. Since I graduated a couple of months ago I decided to bring it back to live: painting, editing, drawing, photographing, everything. I started documenting everything that I counted as creative; from books to movies, playing the piano to baking, from hair and make-up to cooking. I'm still figuring out how to do this, trying to make photo's, to write something about what I'm showing. There's not much on my site yet, but as time comes, so will my posts.

Also, I love to look at other people's work. That's why I'm also posting beautiful photo's, funny video's, things on sale, reviews, and other often random stuff. I have a wide interest so you can expect different sorts of topics on this blog.

If you're interested to see what I'm working on, take a look around!
